
The Equine Spine Offers Animal Spine Adjustment for Horses, Dogs, Cats & more in DFW, Fort Worth, Weatherford, Justin and Nearby Cities

What is Animal Spine Adjustment?

Animal spine adjustment is similar to human chiropractic, and is based upon many of the same premises.  The major premise of all forms of chiropractic is that all living creatures (humans and animals alike) have a natural innate ability to maintain health and balance within their own bodies.  This natural ability is not something we consciously command, but rather an normal unconscious function of a healthy, well maintained nervous system.  The nervous system is the master system of the body, controlling all organs, muscles, and systems of the body and without it, life would not be possible.  It is for this reason that Chiropractors address the health of the spine; by maintaining proper spinal health and alignment, proper functioning of the nervous system can be ensured.  When the nervous system is properly functioning, it allows all the other systems in the body (including, but not limited to the: immune system, digestive system, endocrine system, circulatory system) to function at their best as well.

AVCA-certified animal spine adjusters perform a spine evaluation and gait analysis, along with a neurological exam, to evaluate the health of the joints of the spine and extremities. The spine evaluation involves static and motion palpation of the joints, muscles, and connective tissue to determine if there is an area that has lost it’s proper motion or function, something Chiropractors call a “subluxation.”  The presence of a subluxation casues the nervous system to function improperly in that area.  This dysfunction can present as a multitude of symptoms including lack of normal range of motion, pain, muscle spasm weakness and atrophy, decreased performance, behavioral problems, neurological deficits, organ dysfunction, and immune system compromise.

Removal of a subluxation is done through the spine adjustment, which is a low force, high speed impulse into the joint responsible; it restores proper motion and function back to the joint.  This allows the nervous system to then regain it’s proper function, allowing the body’s master control system to regain its natural ability to maintain proper health and balance within the animal.

Animal spine adjustment is a holistic approach, meaning prevention of disease, with minimal or no use of medications (other than proper nutrition), however animal spine adjustors do NOT diagnose or treat veterinary diseases or conditions.  Instead, they work hand-in-hand with your animal’s current veterinarian to find and treat subluxations that can be keep your animal from maintaining optimum health and wellness.  It is important to realize that with spine adjustment care (due to the body mechanisms detailed above) you may see improvement or complete resolution in pain and other symptoms associated with a pre-existing disease condition(s) in your animal.

Benefits for using an AVCA-certified animal spine adjuster?

The American Veterinary Chiropractic Association (AVCA) provides assurance to the client that the certified provider is either a licensed  doctor of chiropractic (DC) or doctor of veterinary medicine (DVM) who has completed an intensive post-graduate course of study and passed written and practical examination testing the doctors knowledge and ability to accurately find and treat a chiropractic subluxation.  Unlike some so-called “animal-spine adjusters” who are practicing having taken maybe a one-weekend course on “how to adjust”, AVCA-certified doctors not only know how to adjust, they also know WHAT to adjust, WHEN to adjust it, and perhaps most importantly know WHEN NOT to adjust.  The licensed doctor understands the importance of working with your vet to provide appropriate care in all situations, and they have spent over 200 hours studying anatomy, physiology, and pathology of animals, vastly increasing their knowledge of the “inner-workings” of your animal beyond what a person can learn in a program taught as a single weekend course.  In addition, to maintain accreditation, AVCA doctors must ensure they meet the required continuing education requirements to stay certified; this guarantees your animal spine adjuster stays current with the latest in chiropractic education and techniques.

How do I know if my horse needs a spine adjuster?

Horses can’t verbally tell you when they have pain, but if you know how to spot it, they will be able to show you they want to see a spine adjuster.  Some obvious signs that your horse may need a spine adjuster are:

  • Change in attitude/behavior
  • Bucking, rearing, or refusals when under saddle
  • Inability to perform at his/her top level
  • Trips/stumbles frequently
  • Head-tossing
  • Bit-chewing
  • Refusal to train
  • Reluctance to saddle
  • Reluctance to bridle/accept bit
  • Refusal to lift feet
  • Notable lameness at a walk, trot, canter or gallop
  • Favors one lead
  • Counter-canters frequently on one lead
  • Won’t come up from turn-out
  • Doesn’t run/play at turn-out
  • Recent falls/injuries
  • Prior falls/injuries
  • Recently had teeth floated
  • Won’t allow ears to be touched
  • Uneven shoe wear
  • Infertility issues in mare or stallion
  • Flinching when touched along spine